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About Us > Social Responsibility Projects > LAVENDER GARDEN IN GEÇİTKALE


The “Cittaslow Geçitkale Municipality Lavender Garden” Sponsorship Project protocol between Geçitkale Municipality and Creditwest Bank was signed at Creditwest Bank Headquarters.

Referring to the purpose of the Lavender Garden Project, Geçitkale Mayor Hasan Öztaş, in his speech, expressed his gratitude to Creditwest Bank for contributing to the realization of this project, and said that the project will be located on a 13-donum land on Karpaz-Nicosia main road. Mr. Öztaş emphasized that a cafeteria will be built, lavender products will be put on sale and a public garden will be built inside the lavender garden where approximately 30,000 Lavandula Angustifolia lavender saplings will be planted.

While giving information about the project, Creditwest Bank General Manager Mazher Zaheer said, “The Lavender Project is a project that is completely in line with the vision of Creditwest which aims to support agricultural activities and women empowerment.”